while true live

Musings on the fatality of infinite loops and other stuff.

Explaining Haskell RankNTypes for All

The Glasgow Haskell Compiler supports a language extension called RankNTypes which I’ve had my problems to understand. The moment I understood that it mostly refers to first-order logic universal quantification things became easier, though… but first let’s explore why we need it in a step-by-step example.

length :: forall a. [a] –> Int

:t length
-- length :: [a] -> Int
length [1,2,3]
-- 3
let intLength :: [Int] -> Int; intLength = length
:t intLength
-- intLength :: [Int] -> Int
intLength [1,2,3]
-- 3

We start with the well-known polymorphic function length in a fresh GHCI session. Above we see how the type checker instantiates a to be Int in the type of intLength. Likewise we could create a function charLength – anyway, length can be instantiated to oblige to a list of any type we want, so it is defined for all possible types a. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll call a function like intLength (which actually corresponds to instantiating the type variable a of length) a version of length.

As a matter of fact, a normal Haskell type signature such as [a] -> Int always implies that the type variable(s) are universally quantified with 1 forall section located at the beginning of the type declaration. length’s type thus corresponds to forall a. [a] -> Int. We call such a type a Rank-1-Type as there is 1 forall in the type annotation. The fact that we can omit the forall usually – and aren’t used to it as a consequence – will make things look complicated when we actually need it, as we’ll see later on. In the end, forall provides a scope just like its first-order logic equivalent.

Apply a length-like function to a list

let apply :: ([a] -> Int) -> [a] -> Int; apply f x = f x
apply length "hello world"
-- 11
apply intLength [1,2,3]
-- 3

The apply function just applies a function that takes a list and returns an Int (like length does) to a value. Nothing fancy nor useful at all, obviously. Still, let’s note that under the hood the type of apply is forall a. ([a] -> Int) -> [a] -> Int. So far, so good, the type checker is happy. Now let’s a write a function applyToTuple that applies a function like length to a tuple of lists so that the lists of the tuple can be of different types.

Apply a length-like function to a tuple of lists

let applyToTuple f (a@(x:xs),b@(y:ys)) = (f a, f b) :: (Int, Int)
applyToTuple length ("hallo",[1,2,3])
--No instance for (Num Char)
--  arising from the literal `1'
-- ...
:t applyToTuple
-- applyToTuple :: ([t] -> Int) -> ([t], [t]) -> (Int, Int)

I wrote applyToTuple without a full type signature. :: (Int,Int) just makes sure my wanted result type and by the help of the list destructuring a@(x:xs) I make sure that the type inference algorithm will conclude that I have a tuple of lists in mind. Consequently, the type of the function given to applyToTuple is inferred to correspond to length’s type; at least, that’s what I would expect naively.

However, type inference of applyToTuple does not result in the type I had in mind. As we can see the types of lists in the tuple ([t],[t]) are the same so that calling applyToTuple length with a heterogeneous tuple like ("hallo",[1,2,3]) doesn’t work. Being stubborn I could then try “forcing” the type by providing a type signature:

let applyToTuple :: ([a] -> Int) -> ([b],[c]) -> (Int, Int); applyToTuple f (x,y) = (f x, f y)
-- Couldn't match type `b' with `a' ...
-- Couldn't match type `c' with `a' ...

This attempt also fails as GHCI complains about the fact that the types b and a, c and a respectively, do not match! However, the length-like function ([a] -> Int) should be applicable to a list of whatever type, shouldn’t it?!? That’s the moment you’d start doubting either GHCI or your mental health as you know precisely that it should be possible to write such a function. After all, you know intuitively that it is possible to apply a function like length to both parts of a heterogeneous tuple of lists as in the code below; doing that in a more generic way in a function like applyToTuple should be possible as well!

-- Obviously, that works without a problem:
(\(a,b) -> (length a, length b)) ("hallo",[1,2,3])
-- (5,3)

applyToTuple :: (forall a.[a] –> Int) –> ([b],[c]) –> (Int, Int)

Well, there is just one explanation: the type ([a] -> Int) ->([b],[c]) -> (Int, Int) is not really what we need for our purpose. In fact, we need RankNTypes! We first enable the extension in GHCI and can then write the correct applyToTuple implementation using the forall keyword in the type of the first parameter function. (If you want to use the RankNTypes extension in a file to compile, you actually need to add {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} at the top of the file)

:set -XRankNTypes
let applyToTuple :: (forall a.[a] -> Int) -> ([b],[c]) -> (Int, Int); applyToTuple f (x,y) = (f x, f y)
applyToTuple length ("hello", [1,2,3])
-- (5,3)

This time it works! :–)


We noted earlier that every Haskell type signature’s type variables are implicitly universally quantified by an ‘invisible’ forall section. Thus, under the hood we get the types as follows:

-- just a reminder:
-- length :: forall a. [a] -> Int 
let intLength :: [Int] -> Int; intLength = length

--  applyToTuple:
let applyToTuple :: forall a b c. ([a] -> Int) -> ([b], [c]) -> (Int, Int); applyToTuple f (x,y) = (f x, f y)
-- correct applyToTuple:
let applyToTuple :: forall b c. (forall a. [a] -> Int) -> ([b], [c]) -> (Int, Int); applyToTuple f (x,y) = (f x, f y)

Now things get clearer: The function in the type of the correct applyToTuple has the type (forall a. [a] -> Int) which is exactly the type given for length above, hence it works. On the other hand, the type ([a] -> Int) of the function parameter in the wrong applyToTuple type signature looks like the type of length but it isn’t!

Have a look at what the type checker would “think” confronted with the wrong applyToTuple type signature. When it reads the expression applyToTuple length it would expect the type variables a, b and c to be different concrete types, so ([a] -> Int) might become ([Char] -> Int) or ([Int] -> Int) like our intLength function, shortly, some version of length. In the implementation (f x, f y) seeks to apply that version of length to two lists of different types – however, any version of length expects its list to always be of 1 concrete type only, e.g. Int in the case of our function intLength, consequently, the type checker refuses the lists of the tuple to possibly be of different types!

Why does the correct definition of applyToTuple work then? It expects a length-like function of type (forall a. [a] -> Int), that’s a function which works for all types a, no matter what type you throw at it! Thus, it forces that function to be a polymorphic function just like length and rules out any candidate version of length (like intLength) as a consequence. Since you can throw a list of any type at that function it can deal with the 2 lists of different types and the code compiles!


Using RankNTypes and the forall keyword you can specify that a function’s argument needs to be a polymorphic function (like length in our example). In spite of the fact that you can omit the top-level forall in the type signature of a polymorphic type, you need to include it when you reference it as a parameter.

In a future blog post I will investigate an important application of RankNTypes in the Haskell standard library. It will be about the ST monad which provides a safe environment for mutation in Haskell with the help of RankNTypes. Mutation and Haskell?! Yes, you can do it thanks to RankNTypes!

PS: There is a nice stackoverflow thread which investigates the use of “forall” in other language extensions as well. Actually, my “applyToTuple” function is based on that answer of the thread.
